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About WOAS


Fundada em 2001, por votação da diretoria e aprovada por unanimidade de votos presidenciais.Fundada em 2001, por votação da diretoria e aprovada por unanimidade de votos presidenciais. WOAS Academy of Science specializes in wide areas of knowledge focus on Cyber Security and Future Emerging Technology, offering skill solutions for the top industry, military and governmental institutes.

O conhecimento de novas tecnologias e segurança ao mais alto nível é uma área relativamente nova, que teve início com os programas militares e espaciais na década de 1960. Hoje em dia, a tecnologia requer uma forte demanda por treinamento e uma certificação mundial é a vantagem competitiva que qualquer profissional deseja e grandes empresas do mundo desejam ter em seu currículo.

As Instituições procuram integrar no seu núcleo, profissionais de segurança para monitorizar as suas infraestruturas e a pressão constante que enfrentam.

A formação e certificação destes profissionais é uma estratégia de primeira linha em alguns países da Europa e América do Norte.

In this sense, WOAS Academy of Science is assumed as a pioneer in the training and certification area which is presented here under commitment guided for the advance of scientific, academic and practical precision that is required.


Do you know?

WOAS Academy of Science is focused on foreseeing, creating and managing rapidly changing and emerging technology products and services.

Our staff develops ideal solutions for solution-oriented professionals seeking to anticipate, shape and take advantage of current advances and coming developments in any of six accelerating, global and world changing technology clusters:

  • Information Technologies, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
  • Physical Sciences, Engineering and Nanotech
  • Energy, Resources and Greentech
  • Biotech, Medicine and Enhancement
  • Social, Economic and Political Technologies
  • Military, Security, and Transparency Technologies


Actively contribute to the construction of individual training models to qualified professionals at the top-level, of lifelong education and also to citizens training, either for personal or curricular enrichment.


Reinforce and develop the WOAS Academy of Science training paradigms, based on assumptions of scientific rigor, developing essential training models to technological area professionals and promoting pedagogical innovation, based on pillars of innovation, rigor and excellence.


The organizational culture of WOAS Academy of Science is based on four core values:

  • Scientific rigor and continuous upgrading;
  • Teaching qualification of trainers and training models;
  • Adequacy of the contents to the trainees needs;
  • Share expertise and inter-organizational cooperation in qualifying training.

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