WCSFE – Cyber Security Free Exercises Certificate

WOAS > WCSFE – Cyber Security Free Exercises Certificate
Course ID

The WOAS Cyber security Free Exercises (WCSFE) program provides the Institution an opportunity to choose its theme and training program. This program provides a comprehensive approach for specific training. WCSFE ensures all levels of Personnel Departmental are informed of their cyber security responsibilities and acquired the skills appropriate for their functional roles to adequately perform their liability.


On-demand, the program suggests minimum training requirements for key cyber roles and offers specific curricula that can be used by Senior Management to provide role-based specialized training.

WCSFE is intended for all professionals in organization with access to critical and business information, with the aim of training qualify personal in order to increase knowledge and techniques and to be able to protect against cyber threats.

WCSFE it’s an on-demand training exercise: the organization can choose an especially program and his best time to train his staff. WOAS Academy of Science, at the request, organizes special events and training on site-organization.


  • WCSFE exercise request
  • Right of admission reserved

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